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Acychecker changelog
AcyChecker 1.4.0
April 8, 2024
Test results are now color coded to make it easier to understand results
A direct link to the user profile has been added in the test results listing
A new tool in the configuration lets you easily identify and fix issues in the database
The information on whether the domain exists or not is now shown in the test results
AcyChecker can now be used on Joomla 5 websites without requiring the compatibility plugin to be active.
AcyChecker 1.3.0
December 26, 2023
Added a security to exclude admin accounts from the tests
AcyChecker 1.2.9
July 24, 2023
Bug fixes
Added backward compatibility with old WordPress versions
AcyChecker 1.2.8
July 11, 2023
Bug fixes
In some cases, a conflict could occur with the WordPress requests class, this has been fixed.
AcyChecker 1.2.7
June 30, 2023
Improved the compatibility with PHP 7.2 on listings
Bug fixes
Fixed an error message if the include path is modified by an extension or on the server configuration.
AcyChecker 1.2.6
February 7, 2023
The number of users matching the conditions has been added in the "Handle test results" popup in the "Tests" menu
It is now possible to verify the email address of disabled Joomla users
AcyChecker 1.2.5
January 17, 2023
Bug fixes
The WordPress user deletion on database cleaning now works when directly applying changes
AcyChecker 1.2.4
January 5, 2023
Bug fixes
The listing of test results showed incorrect data on Joomla 4 instances
Fixed a fatal error message on AcyChecker pages
AcyChecker 1.2.3
January 3, 2023
Bug fixes
Fixed a deprecation message on AcyChecker pages
Fixed a fatal error message on AcyChecker pages
AcyChecker 1.2.2
January 3, 2023
A confirmation box has been added before mass cleaning the user base.
Improved compatibility with php 8.1
Bug fixes
Fixed the user deletion option for AcyMailing users
The Joomla header bar is now visible for Joomla 4
AcyChecker 1.2.1
November 8, 2022
Bug fixes
Fixed a PHP 5.6 incompatibility on the clean my database menu.
The first installation on Joomla websites may fail in some cases, this has been fixed.
AcyChecker 1.2.0
October 31, 2022
The license validity has been added in the page headers
Bug fixes
Fixed a PHP 8.1 deprecation message during tests export
The information if the domain exists wasn't stored properly
AcyChecker 1.1.9
September 19, 2022
Full Slovenian translation added
Bug fixes
Fixed an issue when testing more than 10.000 email addresses at a time
AcyChecker 1.1.8
August 29, 2022
A new button on the Tests listings has been added to let you mass block/delete fake users based on their results
You can now easily disable automated tests (weekly/monthly tests in the “Clean my database” page)
The documentation has been entirely re-written
AcyChecker 1.1.7
August 8, 2022
A button has been added in the new configuration to automatically fix any issue on the AcyChecker tables in the database
You can now see/delete the log files in the new configuration
A new option lets you blacklist email addresses with specific domains
A new option lets you whitelist email addresses with specific domains
You now have the option to delete the users instead of blocking them from the “Clean my database” menu
You can choose to “Do nothing” instead of blocking/deleting the users
On the test results listing, you can now mass block/unblock/delete users or mass delete test results
On the test results listing, a new “Actions” column has been added so you can block/unblock/delete a single user
A new button has been added to export the deleted users
The test results listing has been reworked to show correctly on mobile devices
The search and filters are now applied when exporting test results instead of exporting everything
The license key option has been moved to a new configuration page
The first submenu has been renamed into “Dashboard”
Bug fixes
You can now export a large number of results (it would previously typically break at around 15k results)
The tooltips positions have been fixed
AcyChecker 1.1.6
April 1, 2022
The results saving has been improved to be compatible with servers with lower resource limits
Bug fixes
Fixed an issue during the AcyMailing 5 results handling
AcyChecker 1.1.5
March 28, 2022
Added French translation
Bug fixes
Fixed an issue during the AcyMailing 5 results interpretation
AcyChecker 1.1.4
March 21, 2022
AcyChecker has now an integration with AcyMailing 5
The test results size has been reduced by 60%, preventing most servers from rejecting the call
Changed a text when trying to re-test email addresses to make it easy to understand
AcyChecker 1.1.3
February 14, 2022
The current version number is now shown on AcyChecker pages
Some batch results may be rejected by some servers having a request size limit, this should be avoided now
AcyChecker 1.1.2
January 24, 2022
Improved the way the lost batches are checked periodically
AcyChecker 1.1.1
January 13, 2022
Bug fixes
Fixed an info message needed when checking the remaining credits
AcyChecker 1.1.0
January 12, 2022
It is now possible to export the blocked users from the Tests menu
Greatly improved the Tests menu (added a sorting option, improved the way the information is displayed)
Added the information if a user has been blocked and why on the Tests menu
Added a direct way to access the plugin’s documentation at the top of the AcyChecker pages
Improved the way the plugin is updated (there is no need to load one of its pages to update the database anymore)
Added an automated task that regularly checks for “lost batches” (if our API couldn’t contact your website for some reason to deliver the results)
On the “Clean my database” menu, it is now possible to remove all the groups/lists in the filters to test all the website/AcyMailing users
The AcyMailing integration only shows the “real” lists now (excluded the front-end management and follow-up lists)
Improved the groups/lists selection interface on the “Clean my database” menu
Added French translations
New menu icon and ordering
Bug fixes
The warning on the incompatibility with AcyMailing 5 isn’t shown anymore if AcyMailing 7 is installed
Fixed a compatibility issue between AcyChecker and AcyMailing in some cases
AcyChecker 1.0.1
December 7, 2021
Added a possibility to clear tests from the Tests listing
Added the possibility to export test results
Better handling when there isn’t enough credits to test all emails
Improved pagination on Tests listing
Bug fixes
Added some missing translations in en-GB
AcyChecker 1.0.0
October 20, 2021
Initial version
Check your AcyMailing or website users via your database
Check your AcyMailing or website users on the subscription process