Improve the deliverability of your emails

Reduce your costs or keep a good reputation by using its WordPress (or Joomla) plugin or its API.

Find how to reach mailboxes 👇

Domain and SMTP

This check allows invalid or non-existent emails or domain names to be deleted. It also checks the quality and validity of the SMTP services used by the recipient.

Role email

Role emails are generally company addresses not associated with a person but with a group. For example: [email protected] or [email protected].

Disposable email

Disposable emails are email addresses that are used to receive junk mail. YopMail for example offers to create temporary fake addresses to prevent spam.

Free provider

This check identifies free providers in your database such as Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook…

Email format check

This test is used to check the format of emails. It checks whether the address is correctly formatted.

In-depth tests

We can’t share all our secrets but tons of other tests are being applied to the email addresses to test its validity and make sure that’s not a fake one.

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